Zahidi dates

One of the famous dates between Iranian people are Zahidi dates, which cultivates in many parts of southern regions of Iran. Zahidi dates are also known as “Qasb dates”. 

Zahidi dates have a nutty flavor which reminiscent of peanuts and has an slight sweet taste. They are oval shaped, light brown when riped and yellow when unriped. They are in dry dates category and have about 14% moisture with thick and golden meat.

Zahedi dates are very popular in the Iranian domestic market beside that every year a large amount of Zahedi dates are exported to foreign markets. 

They are so helpful for preventing diseases like indigestion and anemia and also improve memory and vision.

Zahedi dates have an oval appearance and their ends are narrow. The color of Zahedi dates is yellow when unripe and light brown when ripe. Zahedi dates are a category of dried dates and have about 14% moisture. Zahedi dates are very popular in the Iranian domestic market and are also one of the export and commercial dates in Iran and every year a large amount of Zahedi dates are exported to foreign markets. 

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