Rabby dates

Rabbi dates are in the category of semi-dry dates. They are long with thin skin and have a bigger flesh than other kinds of dates. 

Rabby dates have thin, meaty skin that’s sticks to the flesh. This is the most tastiest dates beacause of its fleshy, soft sweet taste and texture. They are semi-dry with a reddish black color. 

The ripe Rabbi dates is reddish black. the harvest time of this date, is in late September like Kabkab dates. Because of being semi-dry they can be stored easily without any refrigerator or cool environment. But if they kept in 

Rabbi dates are one of the most delicious dates that is cultivated in Iranshahr, Zabol, Chabahar and other cities in Sistan Baluchistan . these kind of dates can be used as snack, or chop them to use in cakes, bread, cereals and …

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