Long Pistachio (Ahmad Aghaei)

It also has the whitest shell hue among the four. Production of this variety is increasing. This type is the most favorable type in eastern Asia, in particular China and India.

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is one of the newest commercial varieties and one of the most delicious and beautiful types of pistachios. This type is very popular among farmers, because of high yield and a short time to reach production. Ahmad Aghaei has an elongated appearance, the whitest shell hue and has a high percentage of quality laughter and kernels. You can identify this type by knowing that the shape is long but the length of each piece is different. This type is cultivated in Rafsanjan and many other cities in Iran like Fars and Mashhad but the one that is world famous is Ahmad Aghaei rafsanjan pistachio.

This type of pistachio is known as aristocratic pistachio and it’s an important component of special ceremonies specialy for Iranian Eid nights. The higher quality of this pistachio is used as one of the ingredients of nuts  and the smaller ones which have lower prices are used as pistachio slices and powder in foods and confections.

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